Swift Cloud ERP Support Centre

Production: manage your production flow and inventory

The production Module of swift cloud ERP is used by factories to monitor production inventory of both raw materials and finished products.


This module comprises of all the processes in production of goods from raw materials to finished products.

Production - Raw materials

This feature keeps track of all raw materials, should a user decide to categorize and group raw materials for production. Before you create a raw material, you must first create the various categories for the raw materials. 

Categories: to create a category, user should click on categories on the top right hand of the screen, click on create new and then enter the name of the category and create. Upon creating a category, user still needs to click on the category that has been created so as to add it to a sub category, without doing that, when creating the raw material user would not see the category he/she has created to pick.

Groups: raw materials can be grouped for ease of work. To create a group, user should click on grouping and then enter the group name and group description and create.

Production - Finished product setup

This feature shows and categories finished products. 

Production order

This sub-module enables user create production requests, pending and approved order.
